

Hallux Valgus vs Pilates

I was shy about my foot size when I was at school, so I wore narrow sneakers. At the university I start hiking and working as a fitness trainer long hours. Moreover I wore high heels sometimes. So far, I got Hallux Valgus and felt pain under the big toe. God, I was only 20. […]

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Why your neck hurts during abs exercises?

The desire of the client to get six-pack abs can lead to reckless decisions and deplorable consequences in the back. Incompetent coach or coach, who wants just to please the client, will look nonstop for new and interesting exercises.  That`s how were invented plank challenge, exercises for the “lower” abs, 100 reps abs, etc. without […]

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How to Know If You’re Doing Pilates Right?

I can speak long hours why pilates is so useful for health as well as why this practice is so deep and holistic. So how can beginner understand that his practice is correct and useful for him? This understanding comes with the experience of regular classes, when day after day you learn your body and […]

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How long does it take to see the benefits of Pilates?

To the question: “When will Pilates give the result?” Joseph Pilates has already answered. One of the most famous quotes of the founder of the method: “You will feel better in ten sessions, look better in twenty sessions, and have a completely new body in thirty sessions.” The results are a consequence of regular, purposeful […]

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How to avoid holiday weight gain?

Christmas time is a period when people put everything on a pause. Everything, including training and diet, with the words: “Well, start after the holidays.” Christmas traditions are associated with a lot of food, lack of sleep and absence of significant movements. How to survive the holidays and stay slim? Set the tone of the […]

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Fitness after cesarean section: what woman with cesarean need to know.

I heard hundred stories from women after a cesarean section. The geography of my clients covers all continents, because many of them are members of diplomatic missions or embassy employees. The experience of every woman is incomparable to anyone else. Therefore, the process of rehab in each case will be individual. After caesarean section, doctors […]

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Find out what actually affects your behavior

Sociologists, psychologists and philosophers discovered that physical sensations affect our behaviour. So they formed the theory of embodied knowledge. In accordance with this theory, abstract concepts are perceived by us through the body experience, which is associated with these concepts. Knowing about metaphorical connections, you will be able to use the stimuli of the environment […]

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What time is the greatest for fitness?

Today I`m answering to another frequent question “What time of the day is the best to work out?”. Here is the answer! If you are not a professional athlete, it is better to exercise any time you have, taking into account your daily biorhythms. The main thing to remember few rules that vary depending on […]

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Skin is a mirror of health

Is it worth talking about books that are not recommended for reading? – Of course, yes, so you can prevent someone from spending time, money or memory on the phone. From the publishers “charming intestine” came out the book “What hides the skin.” Yael Adler. So in the book the most unpleasant thing is that […]

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FAQ on pilates

As a Pilates teacher, I am asked different questions, and for some of them not everyone is ready to receive an answer. Usually, you need time to answer this question sincerely to yourself. What muscles are included in this exercise? What are we currently working on (shake, turn on, stretch)? – Naturally, the main thing […]

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