
Pre- and postnatal fitness

Pilates after pregnancy

Pilates is unique method aimed to develop opposite extension, to engage deep muscles and to give the meaning what position the body occupies in space and how it should be for health. People live under the pressure of gravity, which inevitably compresses the internal structure of the body: muscles, joints, organs, bones. Axial extension is […]

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Fitness after cesarean section: what woman with cesarean need to know.

I heard hundred stories from women after a cesarean section. The geography of my clients covers all continents, because many of them are members of diplomatic missions or embassy employees. The experience of every woman is incomparable to anyone else. Therefore, the process of rehab in each case will be individual. After caesarean section, doctors […]

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Fitness after giving a birth

After the birth of a child, your life becomes different. And no one can predict how much it will change. My clients often say that their bodies after childbirth became bulky, and on the other hand sensations in their body became intuitive. Pregnancy and childbirth are different from anybody’s experience, even if a woman gives […]

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Pregnancy and exercise. Where to begin?

It is possible and necessary to train during the pregnancy, but only with the permission of the doctor. Contraindications to the lessons are: Any purulent processes; Feverish conditions; Acute and residual diseases of the pelvic organs; Thrombophlebitis; Early and late toxicosis; Inflammation of chronic diseases; Uterine bleeding; Abdominal pain of any kind; Low placenta previa […]

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