
fitness in Kyiv

Will robot replace personal Pilates trainer in coming years?

The humanoid robot Sophia obtained citizenship in Saudi Arabia, the international robotics federation indicated that in 2016, there were 74 robots among every 10 thousands factory workers in the leading countries, and in Singapore in 2015 Robotocoach give a fitness class for seniors. Among the leaders in the robotics are 5 countries: China, the Republic […]

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Fitness after cesarean section: what woman with cesarean need to know.

I heard hundred stories from women after a cesarean section. The geography of my clients covers all continents, because many of them are members of diplomatic missions or embassy employees. The experience of every woman is incomparable to anyone else. Therefore, the process of rehab in each case will be individual. After caesarean section, doctors […]

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Why modern shoes are dangerous?

Everyone hesitates about butt and biceps, everyone is eager to do the splits, everyone does countless exercises for the abs and just some people exercise their feet. After all, what’s the use of these exercises if photo of the foot will not be posted on Instagram. We are ready to buy smaller size shoes because […]

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Find out what actually affects your behavior

Sociologists, psychologists and philosophers discovered that physical sensations affect our behaviour. So they formed the theory of embodied knowledge. In accordance with this theory, abstract concepts are perceived by us through the body experience, which is associated with these concepts. Knowing about metaphorical connections, you will be able to use the stimuli of the environment […]

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5 reasons from the expert why use Pilates foam roller

Pilates Foam Roller, also known as a cylinder, is a great home sport equipment. There are models of different lengths (from 30 cm to 110 cm), different stiffnesses, different surface (from a smooth surface to a grooved, with different grooves and dumplings) and different materials (a foam of different quality, plastic and rubber). Before you […]

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Fitness after giving a birth

After the birth of a child, your life becomes different. And no one can predict how much it will change. My clients often say that their bodies after childbirth became bulky, and on the other hand sensations in their body became intuitive. Pregnancy and childbirth are different from anybody’s experience, even if a woman gives […]

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How Chinese tea improve health?

The first mention of Chinese tea dates back to the period of 5,800 years ago. Tea is mentioned in the Shen Noon tractate “Trunks and Grasses” (“Shen Nun Bao Cao Jing”). According to one of the legends, Shen Nun tried various plants and observed their actions because he had a transparent stomach. Once he used […]

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5 secrets how to work out everyday

I also have days when, I think about exercising something like this: “What, again? Come on, I just did it yesterday!” or “well, let’s have a rest today”, or “that’s alright, let`s work out tomorrow”. But nevertheless, I usually train every day from year to year. So how to achieve regularity? Realize the value of […]

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Anastasiia Vekua – Personal trainer Kyiv

Anastasia Vekua is a personal Pilates trainer, Kyiv, certified in prenatal and postnatal programs. Now Anastasia is studying on the American two-year training program for pilates teachers – Lolita`s Legacy. The program was created by the student of Joseph Pilates himself – Lolita San Miguel. Higher education: Bachelor’s degree in Lviv State University of Physical […]

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What time is the greatest for fitness?

Today I`m answering to another frequent question “What time of the day is the best to work out?”. Here is the answer! If you are not a professional athlete, it is better to exercise any time you have, taking into account your daily biorhythms. The main thing to remember few rules that vary depending on […]

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