What to choose?

Take a medical examination. This will help you to learn about the limitations for your body and protect you from improperly chosen training. In professional gyms you will not be allowed to exercise without a filled health questionnaire, and if you do not talk about the diseases, injuries, etc., the responsibility for possible damage to health will completely fall on you.
Determine the purpose of the classes. This will give you the opportunity to choose a certain category of fitness areas that will help you to achieve your goal. But we recommend a comprehensive approach: for example, the combination of functional training, cardio-loads and pilates in the weekly schedule of training. So your body will become more functional, healthy and prepared for everyday life.
Hire a personal trainer. Personal training is not only efficiency, but also safety. We recommend at least to begin acquaintance with fitness on personal training. How to choose a personal trainer? – about this, too, we can write a separate article. First of all, look for recommendations. If you do not have any recommendation, try to find out the full information about trainer: education, certification, work experience, ask about the clients whom he trains, go to a trial training, trying to assess his competence, attentiveness and the availability of an individual approach.
Try it. As soon you have mastered the basics of motor skills with a personal trainer, you can start attending other classes of fitness which are unknown for you to gain new experience. You can find your favorite form of fitness or hobby in such way.
Focus on health. Often people come to certain classes because of their popularity, but the first thing you should be oriented on is health. Each of your workout is a contribution to the future or theft from the integral body structure that will compensate for inorganic movements. Be aware in the training process and your life will definitely become even better!
Author – Anastasiia Vekua