
August 15, 2017

Pregnancy and exercise. Where to begin?

It is possible and necessary to train during the pregnancy, but only with the permission of the doctor.

Contraindications to the lessons are:

Any purulent processes;
Feverish conditions;
Acute and residual diseases of the pelvic organs;
Early and late toxicosis;
Inflammation of chronic diseases;
Uterine bleeding;
Abdominal pain of any kind;
Low placenta previa and its detachment;
Threat of termination of pregnancy and other on the recommendation of a doctor.

In the normal course of pregnancy, classes are usually recommended from 12-14 weeks. The second trimester is the most favorable period for training.

Classes during pregnancy will help:

Strengthen musculature;
Maintain a good posture;
Stabilize articular-tendon joints, which will reduce the likelihood of their damage;
To strengthen the pelvic floor muscles necessary for successful labor;
Learn the techniques of relaxation and breathing;
Normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
To establish a sleep;

Improve the supply of nutrients to the fetus.

As my experience with pregnant women shows, those who were engaged before and during pregnancy are faster and easier to recover from pregnancy.

What exercises will be included in the program depends on a lot: the course of pregnancy, previous experience, physical and emotional state on each particular day, anatomical and functional features of the body. Training for pregnant women in the second trimester is mainly based on pilates, yoga, as well as aerobic (with a heart rate of no more than 125 beats / min) and strength exercises with body weight or dumbbells of up to 2 kg can be used. In order for the training to be effective and most importantly useful, a qualified trainer is necessary, at least initially, to provide recommendations and teach how to do it yourself. The good thing is that today you can train, both on special group or individual sessions in fitness clubs, and with the trainer at home, in the office or online.


Starting from week 20, the intensity of training gradually decreases. The training should be stopped or suspended in case of shortness of breath, headache, weakness, dizziness, tension and soreness in the uterus, abdomen or back pain as well as chest pain.


The first we are carry about in the training for pregnant women is safety. The range of possible exercises is correspondingly limited: we do not perform exercises prone, supine is modified on the inclined surface, standing exercises are no more than 20 -30% of the duration of the training, deep stretching and static exercises are removed from the program as well as positions in which the hands are above the level of the shoulders. Your training should be comfortable and enjoyable, because your main task during this period is to be a mother!



Author – Anastasiia Vekua

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